Let's talk about Spiritual and Religious and Which is better. Spiritual: Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature. Religious : Religious means belonging to an established religious order, whether large or small. This includes religions with billions of followings such a Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. And those with much smaller group of followers such as Bahaism, Zoroastrianism and Judaism. Difference between Spirituality and Religious: Spirituality: Spirituality extends to all facets of a person's life. Spirituality is chosen while religion is often times forced. Spirituality is defined by God. Spirituality is something that is found deep within oneself. It is your way of loving, accepting and relating to the world and people around you. It cannot be fou...
Does Manifestation Really Work ??? Yes, Manifestation actually works. But manifesting a things and getting it, is not that easy. If you want to turn your imagination to Reality by manifestation, you need to manifest daily for many days,weeks, months or year. But if you work daily to your goal and manifest it, Oneday you will definitely convert your manifest in to reality. You should know best steps before manifestation to make your manifestation journey. Here, we listed 5 steps to manifest anything. 1. Be clear about your goals. While everyone approaches manifestation differently, Lombardo believes most follow the same basic principles. First—and perhaps most importantly—you need to know exactly what you want. “You are the only one who dreams your dreams, so whether it’s a new partner and a healthy relationship or a better job , know it and own it," she says. Whatever you desire, though, one thing is essential: Make your intention as specific as possible. 2. Write it down o...